Abbonamento Musei is an association that promotes an annual card for visiting museums and exhibitions in Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta and Lombardia.
With 100.000 subscribers per year and over 20 years of life, Abbonamento Musei Card is a must have to enjoy the cultural heritage of that areas.
Type | Advertising, Art Direction, Photo, Video |
Client | Abbonamento Musei |
Year | 2023 |
To associate an action with culture: to abandon passivity, to ask people to do something, to set themselves in motion, to “light up.”

Experiencing culture as something affectionate.
Experiencing culture as something that unites.
Experiencing culture as something to embrace.

“Abby and Musy” have become a new symbol of culture closer to fantasy, something warm to embrace at any time of life. The mascots were featured in a shoot developed on different subjects, each related to a campaign target. In addition, we took the two mascots around Turin and Milan. Disclaimer: The two actors survived the hugs of all the children in the city and the selfies of the most unsuspecting curious passersby.
— Gang
DOP: Marco Rossini — MUA: Marta Basiglio — Styling: Alexandra Ciubotaru — Actors: Margherita Agati, Andrea Russo, Famiglia Scoffone, Alberto Marotta — Photos post-production: Martina Romano